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Dr. Gott retires

In the 28 years that Dr. Peter Gott has been writing his daily syndicated medical column, he has given welcome comfort and straightforward advice to millions of loyal readers.  A true patients’ advocate, Dr. Gott took over writing the column for Dr. Lawrence Lamb and quickly earned high marks for his knowledge and candor. The time has come now for Dr. Gott to pass the column on to a new writer: Dr. Anthony Komaroff.

 Beginning on Sept. 26, Dr. Komaroff will answer reader questions five days a week with sound advice that’s helpful, informative and free of medical jargon. Dr. Komaroff is a practicing physician who is on the faculty at Harvard Medical School, senior physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and editor-in-chief of Harvard Health Publications. He has rich experience not only in the practice of medicine, but also in writing and teaching students and patients about good health.

 The sixth day will be a release of the respected Harvard Medical School Adviser. This more in-depth Q&A is accompanied by a color illustration and addresses reader questions about everyday medical concerns with the authority of one of the nation’s pre-eminent research institutions.

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